I was in the woods.
I was in the woods.
I was in the woods.
I was in the woods.
I was in the woods.
I was in the woods.
I was in the woods.
I was in the woods.
Film: Old and New

Film: Old and New is a collection of collages of Old and New film photographs taken from 1995-2020. The Old film photographs of the series were taken by my Father and document the period from which he and my mother moved from one part of London (Wandsworth) into a new house (Merton) which would be the house I grew up in. In 2020 I appropriated these Old images and proceeded to take my own New images, using the very same film camera that my father used in 1995 and documented the two areas. This created two different perspectives separated by 25 years which I then collaged together to create the final images. This series acts as a precursor and companion work to Hindsight in which I re-explored and further developed the use of these appropriated images to discuss themes of nostalgia and the Home.